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quelques belles images Lunettes de soleil Carrera que j'ai trouvé: noviembre image par delamaza c image par ponciarelli Arturo Nonchalance - Kim De Ruysscher image Aalders Réalisé en 2003, Carrera, Italie | Matériaux: Marbre et lunettes de soleil en plastiqueTuesday, 5 July 2011
Lunettes de soleil Carrera
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coulisses Carrera 2010 sunglasses
Acheter Lunettes de soleil Carrera
Lunettes de soleil Carrera Le top 5 des hommes
Lunettes de soleil Carrera Le top 5 des hommes
Refroidir Lunettes de soleil Carrera images
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quelques belles images Lunettes de soleil Carrera que j'ai trouvé: noviembre image par delamaza c image par ponciarelli Arturo Nonchalance - Kim De Ruysscher image Aalders Réalisé en 2003, Carrera, Italie | Matériaux: Marbre et lunettes de soleil en plastiqueLunettes de soleil Carrera sont faites en Italie?
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Question par Richie J. : Y at-Lunettes de soleil Carrera fait en Italie Sont les lunettes de soleil Carrera fait en ItalieAussi ont-ils une installation en Chine, sont les lunettes de soleil un coup de téléphone éteint ou en provenance de Chine?Meilleure réponse : Réponse par - oui, Lunettes de soleil Carrera sont fabriquer par Safilo Group, qui est une fabrication en Italie. Mais il a une installation de production dans le monde entier, notamment la Chine et l'Europe de l'Est. Sûr Safilo aura un contrôle de haute qualité, aussi toutes les Lunettes de soleil Carrera sont distribuer par Safilo aussi.cliquez pour vérifier le dernier modèle de lunettes de soleil carrera donner votre réponse à cette question ci-dessous!Type d'identifier les lunettes de soleil Armani, Calvin Klein, Carrera, Donna Karen, Versace, Fendi, Chanel
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Lunettes de soleil Carrera
coulisses Carrera 2010 sunglasses
Lunettes de soleil Carrera
Deborah Harry - Lunettes de soleil Carrera Lancement
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Deborah Harry effectue "Rapture" au soleil Carrera Vintage lancement. Documentés par des photos de l'événement straw2gold. opérateurs de caméra: Sean Monesson Pacino Bing Jeff Robert Burns O'Haire Note Vidéo : 5 / 5Conseils d'achat pour l'Tag Heuer Carrera Meilleur Tag Heuer Carrera Montre Bracelet Replica
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Trouver la sangle meilleure réplique de Tag Heuer nécessite de prendre en compte le type de réplique montre que vous possédez. Numérique, analogique, imperméable et sport Tag Heuer Replica Montre sont différents en taille et en apparence. Parce qu'il ya avoir autant de différents types de répliques de montres, ainsi, réplique montre sangles viennent également dans une variété de styles et de matériaux. Ils sont tous utilisés pour de nombreux types de matériaux, de sorte que chaque a un style différent d'eux. Pour des exemples, certains sont faits de plastique ou de résine, d'autres sont faites de métal, avec une sorte d'élément de conception. Choix peuvent inclure n'importe quoi à partir d'un bracelet en métal réplique avec des dessins comme le défilement ou de motifs floraux à un bracelet en cuir élégante réplique en daim ou de peau d'alligator. Cuir réplique bracelets viennent en différentes largeurs ainsi. Pour un sport Tag Heuer réplique ou modèles en résine, une Tag Heuer Replica aura l'air bien. L'avantage de ce type de sangle est que vous pouvez généralement mettre le Tag Heuer réplique montre sur et enlever très facilement, pour le travail ou les tâches ménagères. Il pourrait aussi être utile d'utiliser ce type de sangle si vous avez besoin pour tenir le Tag Heuer réplique montre à vous-même de temps lors d'une pratique sportive ou un événement. Ayant une Tag Heuer supplémentaires de remplacement courroie réplique est utile lorsque l'original de pressions ou commence à apparaître usé. Vous pouvez ensuite le remplacer sans avoir à passer sans l'utilisation de votre Tag Heuer réplique montre jusqu'à ce qu'un nouveau groupe est trouvé. Un autre avantage est que vous pouvez changer l'apparence de votre réplique montre, en alternant entre le cuir et le métal, par exemple. Pour Tag Heuer Replica qui peut être porté sous l'eau ou pendant les sports nautiques, un bracelet en caoutchouc réplique montre peut-être la meilleure option. Il ya beaucoup de styles différents, fonctionnelle ou de conception unique d'options de réplique bracelet à choisir lors de la recherche d'un bracelet réplique appropriée. Vous pouvez apporter votre réplique montre le long d'une meilleure idée de ce que serait le mieux aller avec elle et si vous pouvez trouver la sangle de bonne taille pour votre notamment Tag Heuer réplique.Lunettes de soleil Carrera campagne 2007
Lunettes de soleil Carrera Endurance
Thursday, 16 June 2011
Persol PO 2720-S sunglasses Tortoise with Brown Polarized lenses Reviews
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Persol PO 2720-S sunglasses Tortoise with Brown Polarized lenses
List Price: $ 170.99 Price: [wpramaprice asin="B000MVF3OU"] [wpramareviews asin="B000MVF3OU"]
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
Nice Ray Ban photos
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A few nice ray ban images I found:
Red Ray Ban Lights.
Image by mariobraune Red Ray Ban Lights. mar09.
Cookiemouse Ray-Bans
Image by Cookiemouse
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
New Tom Ford Jennifer Sunglasses TF 8 692 TF8 Dark Brown Frame Gradient Brown Shades Size: 61-16-120
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New Tom Ford Jennifer Sunglasses TF 8 692 TF8 Dark Brown Frame Gradient Brown Shades Size: 61-16-120
- Brand: Tom Ford
- Model: FT 0008 (Jennifer)
- Color: 692 (Brown frame/Brown gradient lenses)
- Made in: Italy
List Price: $ 390.00 Price: [wpramaprice asin="B000Q3MBLM"] [wpramareviews asin="B000Q3MBLM"]
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Luxottica Group
View the post on Lunette Carrera Visit Lunette Carrera Non, Luxottica nest pas la dernière boîte de nuit branché des Guetta à Ibiza mais une entreprise cotée à la bourse de Milan et New-York spécialisée dans le solaire. En fait, cest le numéro 1 mondial des lunettes de soleil. Ray-Ban, Persol, Vogue, Oakleyles licences Prada, Chanel, Moschino, Versace, Dolce&Gabbanacest Luxottica. La vie est vraiment plus douce au soleil... Video Rating: 4 / 5
Visite du lunetier Franklin Rive gauche situé au 50, rue de Bourgogne à Paris (7eme). L'occasion de parler de lunettes en corne, en écailles de tortue, de Tom Ford, Ray-Ban, Persol, Strada del Sole, Mykita, Chrome Arts et Paul & Joe. Video Rating: 4 / 5Thursday, 19 May 2011
View the post on Lunette Carrera Visit Lunette Carrera
Check out these carrera lunette images:
Image by theomin
Image by theomin
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Cool Carrera Lunette images
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Some cool carrera lunette images:
Image by theomin
Image by theomin
Image by theomin
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
Carrera Picchu/S Brown Black/Ruthenium/Brown Gray Gradient (0V2D/81) 65mm
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Carrera Picchu/S Brown Black/Ruthenium/Brown Gray Gradient (0V2D/81) 65mm
Authentic Carrera Picchu/S Brown Black/Ruthenium (0V2D) 65mm sunglasses. Includes an original Carrera case and cloth, and a one year warranty from the manufacturer against defects. Price: $ 69.00 Sold by Eyeglasses 123Monday, 16 May 2011
Nouvelle Porsche 911 Carrera GTS Cabriolet
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La nouvelle Carrera GTS est lancée en deux versions : coupé et cabriolet. La capote pliante de la 911 découvrable s'ouvre et se ferme en 20 secondes seulement dans une séquence entièrement automatique déclenchée par simple pression d'un bouton. Quant à la couleur de la capote pliante, le client a le choix. La lunette arrière est en verre, elle est chauffante. Un coupe-vent fait partie de la dotation standard, alors qu'un hard top en aluminium est disponible en option. Le peaufinage aérodynamique ressort bien sur les lèvres aérodynamiques du bouclier avant et des revêtements des bas de caisse. Elles optimisent l'écoulement de l'air sous la voiture et autour d'elle. Même à vitesse très élevée, la voiture affiche ainsi un comportement routier sûr et stable sans impact négatif sur la consommation. Le coefficient de pénétration dans l'air (cx) du coupé GTS à boîte mécanique est de 0,30 ; sur la version à boîte PDK, il passe à 0,31 en raison du besoin accru en air de refroidissement de la boîte à double embrayage. Le cabriolet affiche un cx de 0,31 dans les deux cas. [06/10/2010 11:30:38] Thierry Truck: Porsche is unveiling a new 911 Speedster, being built in a small series. In homage to the first Porsche model that bore the name Speedster -- the 356 Speedster -- the production run for the new model is limited to 356 cars. The two-seater, with a power output of 408 HP (300 kW) like the Carrera GTS, differs significantly from the other members of the 911 family. In the best ... Video Rating: 5 / En exclusivité chez votre Opticien Ol'Optic, découvrez en vidéo les montures de la 4ème collection de lunette de soleil et optique Chantal Thomass Video Rating: 0 / 5
Sunday, 15 May 2011
Nice Carrera Lunette photos
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Some cool carrera lunette images:
Image by theomin
Image by theomin
Saturday, 14 May 2011
Nice Gucci Lunette photos
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A few nice gucci lunette images I found:
Branice, dwór (tzw. lamus)
Image by Małopolski Instytut Kultury fot. Marcin Klag II Małopolskie Dni Dziedzictwa Kulturowego, 23-24 września 2000 r. Branice Dwór (tzw. lamus) Branice to jedna ze starszych podkrakowskich miejscowości, leżąca na wschód od miasta. W dokumentach nazwę Branice wzmiankowano już w 1250 r., kiedy książę Bolesław Wstydliwy przyznał wojewodzie krakowskiemu, Klemensowi, prawo łowienia tutaj bobrów. Wieś od początku istnienia aż do końca XVIII w. była własnością Gryfitów i siedzibą rodową Branickich pieczętujących się herbem Gryf. Zespół dworsko-parkowy w Branicach tworzy kilka budynków oraz otaczający je park z resztami założenia krajobrazowego. Najważniejszym i najstarszym elementem zespołu jest budowla zwana lamusem, będąca pierwotną siedzibą rodu. Nieopodal znajduje się klasycystyczny, murowany dwór z 1. poł. XIX w., z kolumnowym portykiem. Budynek zwany lamusem stanowił niegdyś główną siedzibę Branickich. Jego pierwotne zręby pochodzą z początku XVI w., kiedy to był zapewne wieżą obronno-mieszkalną. Rozbudowy siedziby dokonał ok. 1603 r. Jan Branicki herbu Gryf, starosta niepołomicki, kasztelan żarnowiecki i biecki. Modernizację budynku powierzył Branicki krakowskiemu warsztatowi Santiego Gucciego. W wyniku przebudowy powstała piętrowa, murowana budowla, na rzucie zbliżonym do kwadratu (o wymiarach 11,45×9,80 m), o późnorenesansowej formie. Ściany tzw. lamusa pokrywa dekoracja sgraffitowa, a dach pogrążony zasłania attyka z arkadami i grzebieniem krenelażowym. Na kamiennych piwnicach przesklepionych kolebkami znajdują się pomieszczenia parteru wzniesione z cegły: sień ze schodami na piętro oraz sala nakryta sklepieniem kolebkowym z lunetami. Na piętrze mieści się wielka sala o pięknym kamieniarskim wystroju. Są to okna w renesansowych obramieniach i portal o wklęsłym gzymsie, dekorowany liśćmi akantu i zwieńczony długą ślimacznicą z herbem Gryf. Jest tutaj także sięgający sufitu kominek, obudowany płaskorzeźbionymi płytami z kamienia pińczowskiego, zdobiony hermami zwierzęcymi, gzymsami oraz herbami w kartuszach. Na terenie zespołu pałacowo-parkowego znajduje się Oddział Muzeum Archeologicznego w Krakowie, a w tzw. lamusie prezentowana jest ekspozycja o charakterze archeologicznym. --- Branice Manor Branice is one of the oldest settlements in the vicinity of Kraków, situated to the east of the city. In written documents, the name Branice was mentioned as soon as in 1250, when Prince Bolesław Wstydliwy (Boleslaus the Modest) granted the Voivode of Kraków, Klemens, the right to hunt local beavers. From its inception until the end of the 13th century, the village was owned by the Gryfita clan, and served as the family seat of the Branickis of the Gryf coat-of-arms. The manor and park compound in Branice consists of several buildings and a surrounding park in which traces of the original concept can be seen. The most important and oldest building is the lamus or storehouse, the original dwelling of the family; next to it is the 19th- -century manor. Nearby stands a classicist mansion from the first half of the 19th century with a colonnaded portico. The ‘storehouse’ was once the main residence of the Branicki family. It originated in the early 16th century, when it probably acted as a residential and defensive tower. It was extended around 1603 by Jan Branicki of the Gryf coatof- arms, a starost at Niepołomice, castellan in Żarnowiec and Biecz. Branicki commissioned the Kraków workshop of Santi Gucci to carry out the modernisation project. As a result of the remodelling, a two-storey brick construction was built on the plan of a nearly regular square (11.45×9.80m), late Renaissance in form. The walls of the lamus are covered with sgraffito, and a receded roof is concealed behind an attic with a balustrade and decorative detail. Atop the barrel-vaulted cellars rises the brick ground floor: an entrance hall with a staircase to the first floor, and a room covered with a barrel vault incorporating lunettes. Upstairs we find an extensive chamber with magnificent stonework: windows in Renaissance frames and a doorway with a recessed cornice, decorated with Acanthus leaves and a volute bearing the Gryf coat-of-arms. There is a ceilinghigh fireplace, surrounded with Pińczów stone slabs with bas-reliefs of animals, family crests, and carved cornices. As the manor and park are a branch of the Archaeological Museum in Kraków, an archaeological exhibition is open in the ‘storehouse’.
Branice, dwór (tzw. lamus)
Image by Małopolski Instytut Kultury fot. Marcin Klag II Małopolskie Dni Dziedzictwa Kulturowego, 23-24 września 2000 r. Branice Dwór (tzw. lamus) Branice to jedna ze starszych podkrakowskich miejscowości, leżąca na wschód od miasta. W dokumentach nazwę Branice wzmiankowano już w 1250 r., kiedy książę Bolesław Wstydliwy przyznał wojewodzie krakowskiemu, Klemensowi, prawo łowienia tutaj bobrów. Wieś od początku istnienia aż do końca XVIII w. była własnością Gryfitów i siedzibą rodową Branickich pieczętujących się herbem Gryf. Zespół dworsko-parkowy w Branicach tworzy kilka budynków oraz otaczający je park z resztami założenia krajobrazowego. Najważniejszym i najstarszym elementem zespołu jest budowla zwana lamusem, będąca pierwotną siedzibą rodu. Nieopodal znajduje się klasycystyczny, murowany dwór z 1. poł. XIX w., z kolumnowym portykiem. Budynek zwany lamusem stanowił niegdyś główną siedzibę Branickich. Jego pierwotne zręby pochodzą z początku XVI w., kiedy to był zapewne wieżą obronno-mieszkalną. Rozbudowy siedziby dokonał ok. 1603 r. Jan Branicki herbu Gryf, starosta niepołomicki, kasztelan żarnowiecki i biecki. Modernizację budynku powierzył Branicki krakowskiemu warsztatowi Santiego Gucciego. W wyniku przebudowy powstała piętrowa, murowana budowla, na rzucie zbliżonym do kwadratu (o wymiarach 11,45×9,80 m), o późnorenesansowej formie. Ściany tzw. lamusa pokrywa dekoracja sgraffitowa, a dach pogrążony zasłania attyka z arkadami i grzebieniem krenelażowym. Na kamiennych piwnicach przesklepionych kolebkami znajdują się pomieszczenia parteru wzniesione z cegły: sień ze schodami na piętro oraz sala nakryta sklepieniem kolebkowym z lunetami. Na piętrze mieści się wielka sala o pięknym kamieniarskim wystroju. Są to okna w renesansowych obramieniach i portal o wklęsłym gzymsie, dekorowany liśćmi akantu i zwieńczony długą ślimacznicą z herbem Gryf. Jest tutaj także sięgający sufitu kominek, obudowany płaskorzeźbionymi płytami z kamienia pińczowskiego, zdobiony hermami zwierzęcymi, gzymsami oraz herbami w kartuszach. Na terenie zespołu pałacowo-parkowego znajduje się Oddział Muzeum Archeologicznego w Krakowie, a w tzw. lamusie prezentowana jest ekspozycja o charakterze archeologicznym. --- Branice Manor Branice is one of the oldest settlements in the vicinity of Kraków, situated to the east of the city. In written documents, the name Branice was mentioned as soon as in 1250, when Prince Bolesław Wstydliwy (Boleslaus the Modest) granted the Voivode of Kraków, Klemens, the right to hunt local beavers. From its inception until the end of the 13th century, the village was owned by the Gryfita clan, and served as the family seat of the Branickis of the Gryf coat-of-arms. The manor and park compound in Branice consists of several buildings and a surrounding park in which traces of the original concept can be seen. The most important and oldest building is the lamus or storehouse, the original dwelling of the family; next to it is the 19th- -century manor. Nearby stands a classicist mansion from the first half of the 19th century with a colonnaded portico. The ‘storehouse’ was once the main residence of the Branicki family. It originated in the early 16th century, when it probably acted as a residential and defensive tower. It was extended around 1603 by Jan Branicki of the Gryf coatof- arms, a starost at Niepołomice, castellan in Żarnowiec and Biecz. Branicki commissioned the Kraków workshop of Santi Gucci to carry out the modernisation project. As a result of the remodelling, a two-storey brick construction was built on the plan of a nearly regular square (11.45×9.80m), late Renaissance in form. The walls of the lamus are covered with sgraffito, and a receded roof is concealed behind an attic with a balustrade and decorative detail. Atop the barrel-vaulted cellars rises the brick ground floor: an entrance hall with a staircase to the first floor, and a room covered with a barrel vault incorporating lunettes. Upstairs we find an extensive chamber with magnificent stonework: windows in Renaissance frames and a doorway with a recessed cornice, decorated with Acanthus leaves and a volute bearing the Gryf coat-of-arms. There is a ceilinghigh fireplace, surrounded with Pińczów stone slabs with bas-reliefs of animals, family crests, and carved cornices. As the manor and park are a branch of the Archaeological Museum in Kraków, an archaeological exhibition is open in the ‘storehouse’.
Cool Carrera Lunette images
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A few nice carrera lunette images I found:
Attention, ça pique!!!
Image by theomin
Image by theomin
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Can I Find the Top Quality Alexander Mcqueen Shoes with Cheep Price?
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by Trisha Weir
Article by Ebalarde
Lee Alexander McQueen is a famous Britain designer,He is regarded as the fashion goldfather.Alexander McQueen create his own brand with his own name Alexander McQueen.Kimono Sleeve was used on the design of McQueen,and make the Asian traditional dress be more popular for a time.When McQueen launch the bumster pant series in 1996 and be the head line new of many news paper.McQueen and Puma work together in 2009 This made him be widely well known.Alexander McQueen receive the honourable reputation of Britain's Best Designer of the Year four times in his lifetime.Alexander McQueen Shoes offers shoes especially designed for women with wider feet. Women with wide feet face a number of issues because their size is not easily available. However, the good news is that this brand now offers Designer Shoes exclusively made for them. These shoes will now help these women to get rid of all those problems that they had to face.Alexander McQueen shoes are hundreds of models, the woman makes a store until it falls off leather boots with spike heels, there are many to choose not to know where I should start. Advice on how to shop before buying the shoes is a perfect couple to stop and reflect on what you need, and what you use most often. You do not want to buy a pair of shoes, because they "look" so cute, but you end up almostwearing. Do you like open or closed shoes? Do you like boots? What suits you best, and what is your style? Pain is the biggest issue that women with wide feet have to face, if they do not wear the shoes which are especially designed for them. It is not only the pain in their feet (heels and toes), but even backaches and knee pains can take place. These can later develop into many kinds of cancers and other incurable diseases. Thus, look for shoes that are designed to be fashionable and stylish as well as they provide sufficient support to y our feet and entire body. This proper support helps the women to walk with full comfort without putting stress to their back or knees - this helps reducing health issues.These shoes are made of patent leather and great for a night out in the summer. This shoe has a strap that goes around the ankle, foot, ankle, and your attention. Another nice shoes, you wear less in summer, the showy, but still beautiful,glass slides Desire, these shoes have a heel, without a belt, and glass beads on the belt, the feet go over the top of yours. These shoes say about class, but not too flashy. Alexander McQueen also has great shoes, the nights are great and wear during the winter days.They are a wonderful way to show your style in the fall. Take your time and shop around to find the perfect "must have" style of shoes in the splendid collection of shoes Alexander McQueen.It seems we're constantly straying below the ankle in our Object Fetish series - perhaps an indication of fashion's peculiar pedicu-lar peccadillo at the moment - but it's fair to say that all of next season's footwear offerings pale in comparison to these exquisite 'Angel' shoes from Alexander McQueen Shoes final collection for A/W 2010. Silvered, encrusted with hand embroidery and with heels carved into glorious arabesques, they take the notion of fashion as art to its very zenith, transcending fashion's capricious need for seasonal change. Or maybe not. Alexander McQueen was always plugged into the mood of the moment, and it's no leap to see these shoes as a resolute, single-minded and glorious riposte to next season's predominant focus on the New Minimalism. True to his vision above all else, Lee McQueen was the perfect rebel until the very end. You have to admit that the shoes designed by Alexander McQueen are so novelty after you saw his works. What a pity! He has gone away! When we are looking his amazing design we have to cherish the memory of him.
About the AuthorSpecialize in varieties of Designer Shoes from world's famous brand like, Alexander Wang, Jimmy Choo, Christian Dior, Gucci, Alexander McQueen, Versace, etc. All Discount Designer Shoes are made from high-end quality material.
More Alexander McQueen ArticlesTuesday, 10 May 2011
Nice Carrera Lunette photos
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Check out these carrera lunette images:
Image by theomin
Image by theomin
Image by theomin
Sunday, 8 May 2011
Nice Carrera Sunglasses photos
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A few nice carrera sunglasses images I found:
The Carreras
Image by aokettun
Friday, 6 May 2011
Carrera Carrera Fashion Sunglasses 932/S/086P/VW/58
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Carrera Carrera Fashion Sunglasses 932/S/086P/VW/58
Add designer touch to any ensemble with the stylish Carrera sunglasses. Price: $ 62.99 Sold by Buy.comCarrera Vintage Aviator Sunglasses | Frame Size|Eye|62mm|Bridge|15mm|Temple|135mmManufacturer Case Included Product Guarantee ...
* Brand : CARRERA* Model : CA CHAMPION/S* Frame color : 0FRI* Eye (Width) : 62 mm* Bridge (Nose bridge) : 12 mm* Temples (Bar Leng...
Carrera Sunglasses is defined by the endurance, classicism and functionality that characterized its history as the outfitter of ch...
Thursday, 5 May 2011
Carrera Speedway Black/Crystal/Orange
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Carrera Speedway Black/Crystal/Orange
- Leather Upper
- Accesories
- Accessories from Bertini Shoes Handbags Sunglasses Belts Socks
- 1784
List Price: $ 136.99 Price: [wpramaprice asin="B0038YX77I"] [wpramareviews asin="B0038YX77I"]
Carrera Machu/S Sunglasses MachuS V6W-K8 Burgundy Black Shades
- Model: MACHU/S
- Temple/Frame Color: V6W-K8 BURGUNDY BLACK
- Gender: MALE
- Size:65-07-135
List Price: $ 79.95 Price: [wpramaprice asin="B0037M1ME6"] [wpramareviews asin="B0037M1ME6"] Related Carrera Sunglasses Products
Carrera Speedway Black/Crystal/Orange
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Carrera Speedway Black/Crystal/Orange
- Leather Upper
- Accesories
- Accessories from Bertini Shoes Handbags Sunglasses Belts Socks
- 1784
List Price: $ 136.99 Price: [wpramaprice asin="B0038YX77I"] [wpramareviews asin="B0038YX77I"]
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
Tips to Buying Tom Ford Sunglasses for Fall 2009
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by guano
Article by Paul Dylan
Tom Ford sunglasses is one of the must have accessories for fall 2009 going into 2010. They are the hottest in sunglass trend and growing rapidly in status as you have celebrities like Angelina Jolie sporting Tom Ford. Tom Ford sunglasses have a very unique look and you can't just replace a Tom Ford with any other sunglasses because it just won't be the same. Unlike many brands that release many similar styles, brands stay away from copying the Tom Ford frames, why? We're not sure to be honest.
This years Tom Fords have amazing shapes and looks. If you're into the very classy, fashionable, chic look, Tom Ford is just what you're looking for. Some of the top models for this year are:
Anais: A great modern frame for women released in two colors, black and dark transparent brown with an eye size of 64mm. A squarish look that is very in style for the fall season.
Andre: The Andre is one of those sunglass that you have to have the face to sport it. It's a large frame and one of the more popular styles.
Andrea: The Tom Ford Andrea is a beautiful thick frame released in two colors, shiny rose gold frame (Andrea TF54 614) and shiny palladium (Andrea TF54 769) with a lens size of 67mm.
Claudia: Tom Fords Claudia is one of the more popular frames for women because of the chic and classy style they carry. They currently come in transparent brown frames (TF75 692) and shiny black (TF75 B5.) The lens size of this frame is 64mm with a temple of 120mm.
Lilliana: The Tom Ford Lilliana is also very popular among women with a cris-cross shapped sideways oval frame which is just as chic as it gets these days. The Lilliana retail for 0.00 and are carried in two colors. The TF131 01P which is a black epoxy is the most popular.
Whitney: If you want to look like Angelina Jolie, then the frame you are l ooking for is the Whitney. This is truly an unbelievably fashionable frame with class and style. Another celebrity that is spotted wearing the Whitneys is Gwen Stefani. Their sideways oval frame shape is very standoutish and has a thick frame. Offered in 3 colors with a lens size of 64mm. MSRP for this model is 0.00.
To avoid buying fake Tom Ford Sunglasses you always want to make sure there is a Tom Ford mark on the top right hand side of the lens as well as it will always be made in Italy.
All Tom Ford sunglasses come in a box that should be brown, not always, and will always, 100% of the time come with a case. With the cost of these sunglasses, you will surely want authenticity guaranteed.
Inside the case of all Tom Ford Sunglasses, you will see a little envelope which will contain a card of authenticity. A Tom Ford will never say, "Made in China" or "Made in France."
About the AuthorPaul Dylan is a blogger for, an online retailer of sunglasses online.
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
Cool Tom Ford Sunglasses images
View the post on Lunette Carrera Visit Lunette Carrera
Check out these tom ford sunglasses images:
Tom Ford packaging
Image by Widar Nord Sunglasses from Tom Ford packaging
Bergdorf Goodman - Casol square sik scarf
Image by Square silk scarf Melodia Gitana by French designer Maryse Casol on beautiful Bergdorf Goodman silver box. Shop online at: Melodia Gitana - Casol square silk scarf - 35" x 35" - made in France - hand rolled. Luxury is common. Seek enlightenment. Casol combines fauvism and fashion French contemporary artist and designer Maryse Casol launches today a timeless collection of square silk scarves using the colours of fauvism to give warmth, serenity and power to the women of the world. Inspired from Casol’s numerous voyages and passion for knowledge, Le Carré Casol is a fine art print of Melodia Gitana, Été Indien, Violon Mélancolique and Fado Romantique, four of Maryse Casol’s most famous paintings. Made in Lyon, France by a 120 year old company and hand rolled by the best couturieres in the “silk capital of Europe”, each Casol silk scarf celebrates the perfection in femininity. Exuding chic and elegance, this classic essential accessory will transform any woman into a beautiful and confident diva. Soon to be in Montreal, New York, Miami, Paris, Monaco, and Dubai stores, the Casol silk scarf can now be found exclusively online at Keywords 5th avenue,berdorf goodman,bergdof,bergdoff,bergdorf,bergdorf address,bergdorf and goodman,bergdorf and goodman new york,bergdorf blondes,bergdorf blondes plum sykes,bergdorf bridal,bergdorf godman,bergdorf goodman,bergdorf goodmann,bergdorf goodmans,bergdorf goodmen,bergdorf hours,bergdorf jewelry,bergdorf manhattan,bergdorf men,bergdorf new york,bergdorf ny,bergdorf nyc,bergdorf restaurant,bergdorf s,bergdorf shopping,bergdorf store,bergdorf stores,bergdorf window,bergdorf's,bergdorf's goodman,bergdorff goodman,bergdorfgoodman,bergdorfs,bergdorfs goodman,bergendorf goodman,bergoff goodman,burdorf goodman,burgdorff goodman,fifth avenue,fifth avenue shopping,fifth avenue stores,plum sykes,s goodman,shopping 5th avenue,tom ford sunglasses ,buy silk scarves,color silk scarves,custom silk scarves,designer silk scarf,designer silk scarves,french silk scarves,handmade silk scarf,handmade silk scarves,italian silk scarves,ladies silk scarf,ladies silk scarves,printed silk scarf,printed silk scarves,pure silk scarf,silk hair scarf,silk hair scarves,silk head scarf,silk head scarves,silk neck scarf,silk neck scarves,silk scarf,silk scarf for hair,silk scarf headband,silk scarf headbands,silk scarf scarves,silk scarf wrap,silk scarves,silk scarves and shawls,silk scarves and wraps,silk scarves for sale,silk scarves for women,silk scarves shawls,square silk scarf,square silk scarves,vintage silk scarves,wear a silk scarf,wear silk scarf,wholesale silk scarf,wholesale silk scarves,women's silk scarf,women's silk scarves,womens silk scarf,womens silk scarves,
Tom Ford Blasts Your Face
Image by Royal Sapien Leave it to Tom Ford to create simply disturbing, arresting ads. Stopped me in the street in Miami.